How to Run a Mile in Ten Minutes

I. R. Avatar

Running a mile in ten minutes is a great start to being in a great mood. You may find it tedious when you start, but whoever nailed something the first time? It’s an amazing activity that requires very little equipment, but a whole lot of effort!

1. Wear comfortable clothing. You should wear the kind of clothing you exercise in. Wearing business attire will make you look like you are running from some sort of natural disaster and were unprepared for it. If you plan to do it in the winter or in a cold place, consider cold exposure prior to doing it, such as cold showers or ice baths, as otherwise you risk catching colds or hypothermia.

2. Have proper posture when running. Keep your head and shoulders upright. Even if you are in amazing shape, you will still struggle with time if you have no form. You should also drink lots of water in a day. Most people are clinically dehydrated, so be better than average!

3. Practice in shorter intervals. A ten-minute mile pace would be at a rate of six miles per hour at minimum. If you can do it with a treadmill, that works, but the benefits of running in the sun are exponentially greater, such as improved mood, better sleep (crucial for recovery), and vitamin D production, which lowers blood pressure.

4. Keep track of your best times for running a mile. You should have a route that you know is a mile from your start point. Keep following that every day, improve time, and strive to surpass your goals. If where you live is hilly, you should practice running uphill and downhill because that will affect your time. Stay consistent, your body will adapt.

5. Always get rest. Take a few rest days off, with whatever works best for you. Aim to sleep around seven to eight hours every day.

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Rebecca Hope

Executive Director of Mid-Metro Academy, English Instructor, Journalism Teacher/Adviser

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